Tuesday 25 August 2009

Quest for a proper Ubuntu Blogging client...

"How many times da I have to tell ya...the right tool for the right job!" -- Scotty from Star Trek

One of the most interesting challenges about Ubuntu is finding a proper blogging client, because it's seriously lacking. I've tried several different ones, as is evident with the previous post, but none seemed to meet my needs. This led me to google a bit on the subject which luckily led me to stumble upon FireScribe.

FireScribe for those that never heard of it, is a addon for Firefox which allows you to sync with several blogs of various types at once and even include catagories (labels on blogger). Not to mention several other useful features to it like links, fonts, pictures, youtube, links, text colours and many many more! Even better is that it runs on all platforms that support Firefox which means it works just as well on Windows as on Linux! Not bad for a 500kb Firefox addon hey? It's ironic how many Free Firefox Plugins are of higher quality than many commerical products. This just goes to show yet again that just because it's free doesn't automatically make it's crap.

This is offically my first post using it and so far I'm loving it. I will keep you all informed on my adventures and misadventures with it in future posts.

Monday 24 August 2009

My first few months with Ubuntu Linux

"Linux is more compatible with unix than windows is with windows" -- fanf1 (Grabbed from Bash.org)

I will admit that my first few experience with Ubuntu was complete and utter annoyance. Those that know me would actually expected this reaction from me. The thing with Ubuntu was that I just wasn't used to this whole Linux way of doing things or how the package system would work for me. I was expecting huge packages and difficulty finding quality software to use, because nothing worth using is both small in size nor free.

Thankfully I was wrong on both fronts. The reinstall of Firefox was a whopping 1MB compared to the ~8MB you normally have to do with Windows. I also found lots of support from the localized #ubuntu-za channel on freenode, which pointed me in the right directions every time. This alone turned me from a Windows Enthusiast into a Linux one.

I'm actually so used to linux now that I even hacked up a way to connect to the internet using my mobile with the base installation. I didn't have to mess with modem drivers and compatibilty issues with the services provider. All I had to do was throw in a few information into the handy pppconfig command, type 'pon' and I was online! How is that for ease of use? Not to even mention all the software that comes with Ubuntu. Open Office being the most notable. It can edit just about any format and can even save in the pdf format. It's .doc formatting with tables is a little screwed up, but otherwise it's pretty cool.

Anyway, I just want to say that for anybody that is looking to get away from Windows and Microsoft's corruption, then I would recommend Ubuntu. It may have a slight learning curve, but with all the support you can get for it, I doubt you'll be stuck for too long.