Tuesday 30 September 2008

Where's the change?

"You know, you've changed a lot..." --- a friend of mine

I always had this weird belief that when change happens it makes me feel different too. Almost like those blinding moments of self-revelations that changes your life forever. I now realise that those moments are pretty rare and requires A LOT to incite anything that radical. What I found was that change happens in bits and that those bits amount to large scale change.

Small Changes about to a Big Thing

It's funny how I only realised how much I've changed after my friend pointed it out to me, which made me wonder how much I really have changed. I found that it's been a lot of little things that made me change in a big way. I also found that because these changes are so small that we tend to miss them.

So how do you measure change if we tend to miss it? By asking our friends. You'd be surprised how quickly your friends pick up on changes in you and some might even be quick to point it out (like my friend above - you know who you are). Be careful of some friends though, because some changes might upset them to the point of trying to force you to change back. It's more a reaction in concern for you, than for themselves and maybe they just need time to get used to the idea.

Another nice way to keep track of changes in your life is to use a change log (plug for previous post :P), which is also great for the motivation to continue changing (since you have a long list of successful changes right in front of you).

In life it's the small things that have the biggest impact in life and the same goes for large scale change: It happens in bits, but all those bits surmounts to something big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definition of change is relative to interpretation. We grow, discover, progress, our awareness alters, and life is dynamic. I think most of our base values and concerns remain the same, despite the changes we undergo to adapt to life.

Nice blog... you should keep writing.